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A year of firsts for GCRP

We’ve had a great year with a series of amazing firsts for GCRP, here are our top ten firsts of 2022!

1. WINNING our first awards for our Getaway and Let’s Talk Travel Programmes at the Community Rail Awards! GCRP Wins First Place at National Awards

2. Our first Platform Performance with Strike A Light We are the Chorus of DOOM!

3. Attending our first Department for Transport’s Positive Support Groups 25th Anniversary at Great Minster House, talking about our projects championing Diversity and Inclusion in Community Rail!

4. Presenting at our first GWR Community Rail Conference with the Music Works, along with Odis Palmer, GWR’s Inclusion & Diversity Manager presenting the impact that Getaway is having

5. Our first collaborative education initiative with Severnside, Worcestershire and Wiltshire CRPs Platform Rail Launch!

6. Presenting at our first Gloucestershire Business Show - Access to Skills and Employment live stage and workshop, discussing the significance of transport and travel in the inclusion and employment agenda

7. We went global, sharing insights into sustainability and social values with the Finnish Lapland Tourist Board

8. We also had our first Community Rail Network webinars on Leisure and Tourism webinar, with our Executive Director Hannah McDonnell MSc and our Development Officer talked about how we can most effectively connect with and empower our diverse communities at the CRN ‘Connecting and empowering our diverse communities’ webinar.

9. We did our first podcast in 2022 - Talking responsible tourism, Gloucestershire and community rail on the Elves of the Visitor Economy podcast

10. And, we had our first Radio interview - Let’s Talk Travel was featured on the Radio Gloucester FM show ‘Future Me’, focused on help and support around using public transport

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